El Escorial


Calle Alcudia 10, 28292, El Escorial, Spain

Español • Bebidas • Terraza • Mediterráneo

"Solemos ir un par de veces al año, la última la semana pasada. No se qué les está pasando, pero nosotros no volveremos a comer. El baño, con el agua congelada. Si te lavas las manos sales tiritando de frío. Se lo comentamos al camarero, y dijo, si, solo hay agua fría. Ni siquiera intentó dar una explicación. En los segundos platos del miércoles, hay la opción de cocido. Pero en los primeros no dan opciones, tienes que comerte la sopa, la cual no te tiene porqué apetecer, y encima no sabía a nada, estaba excesivamente aguada. Al preguntar si nos podrían dar otro primero, nos dicen que no, que los miércoles solo se puede comer sopa de primero. Dos escasos trozos de pan por persona, que nos los comimos con el primer plato. Después de tantos desacuerdos, nos dio hasta vergüenza pedir más pan, y ningún camarero tuvo la amabilidad de ofrecernos más. Cuando nos sirven las bandejas del cocido, se llevaron la panera sin siquiera preguntar si queríamos más. El cocido, digamos que del tiempo, no se puede decir que viniera caliente. Y para remate, al llevarse lo que sobró de las bandejas estamos convencidos que lo reutilizaron para llenar las del siguiente comensal. Cobrar 16€ por un menú así entre semana me parece una verdadera vergüenza. No creo que vuelva en mucho tiempo, buscando un poco por la zona hay varios restaurantes que tendrán menos fama, pero sin duda tienen mejor calidad a menor precio."

Valhalla Experience

Valhalla Experience

C. De Las Peregrinas, 21, El Escorial, Spain

Pizza • Europeo • Mexicano • Brocheta

"The owner/cook is a bit rude. But it 's my opinion. I already said it was my opinion. I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CRITICIZE WHAT I DO NOT LIKE AND I DO NOT THINK I HAVE DISRESPECTED YOU, YOUR RESTAURANT IS MORE OR LESS GOOD, BUT I STILL SAY THAT YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND GREAT , you should be a little more humble and not respond as You do, I think it was you who disrespected me, but that is also my opinion......of course. If it 's quite a compliment that they criticize you......Congratulations, but YOU 'RE STILL GOING GROWN and that doesn 't benefit you at all. You pretend to be a MICHELIN STAR....and Oh friend.....!, you have a lot to learn, at least in terms of education, knowing how to behave and behavior. I won 't say your food is bad, because that would be disrespectful, but everything else I 've said...I stand by it. If you think I 'm going to remove the review, YOU ARE VERY VERY WRONG, IT WILL STAY THERE. It 's not that I don 't dare tell what happened, it 's that IT 'S NOT WORTH SPENDING ONE MORE SECOND OF MY LIFE TO THINK ABOUT YOU. I don 't think I have insulted you, I have always said that I have only given my opinion, but there is a saying that says he who bites himself... eats garlic , apply it. And of course, my recommendation is COMPLETELY NEGATIVE, especially after seeing how you have been upset with baba for a negative comment. In this life you have to know how to accept all criticism with dignity, whether good or, as in this case, and towards you (as the owner of the supposedly wonderful site) the bad. Now answer whatever you want, I certainly don 't plan to dedicate another second of my life to you. The worst thing about this is that if you are not able to accept criticism of your restaurant, how do you accept criticism of you? Please note, first of all, that I wish you the best, but in this life you have to be humble."