"My partner and I stayed in the accommodation above the restaurant, and being our first night in the area we wanted to give our “local” a try. We sat down at 8:30pm, was greeted by the waitress as soon as we sat down and asked her to give us 5 minutes to decide what we would eat. around 8:45pm, she hadn’t returned and a large group of people maybe 15-20 people sat down at this time. We gave her 5 more minutes (seeing as she had proceeded to go to the large table and get their drink order, and had made their drinks in this time) to approach us before we asked for her attention to take our order, at this time is was around 8:50pm. She told us the kitchen is not taking anymore orders due to the large table sitting down and wanting to order food also. I found this extremely rude, seeing as we were there first and she never returned to us, and it was getting late so there was not much else open in Les Houches at this time. Luckily we did leave, because we found a fantastic restaurant called Le delice, that still served us dinner at 9:30pm. Disappointing that they cannot cater to large crowds seeing as it is peak tourist season and we were guests upstairs."