"A catastrophe from beginning to end, we are four, the manager asks if the children eat? Very surprised we told her that yes, we waited 45 minutes before she wanted to take our order, between time they refuse 2 young girls pretexting that the service is closed (something she thought they would have little appetite) then she accepted a man alone, then a man and her son... she told them that you should not take a menu, but only on the map!! (Although interested) After more than 30 additional minutes to wait, we ask if the entrance arrives, it answers us on a very haughty tone that there was waiting is that it is like that! And she complains that she has a headache and that it is tiring the month of August! We have settled our aperitif and left to eat right next to home and friendly people!! Ladies if you don't support work anymore, hand over to young people and retire to your home, it's best for everyone!!"