Le Lavandou

Le Lavandou ist eine reizvolle Küstenstadt in Frankreich, bekannt für atemberaubende Strände und frische Meeresfrüchte wie Bouillabaisse und provenzalische Gerichte, vor einer Kulisse mediterraner Schönheit.

Les Canetons

Les Canetons

Avenue Du Cap Negre, 83980, Le Lavandou, France

Salades • Français • Européen • Thaïlandais

"Je ne comprends pas pourquoi le propriétaire de la plage permet à l 'entreprise qui loue les chaises de plage de bloquer le passage jusqu 'à l 'entrée de l 'eau. La plage en tant que bien national doit être accessible à tous. Le commercialisme tue lentement les charmes de chaque endroit du monde. Les Canetons: Seriously stop writing non sense comments like you do, this part of beah is own by the state we are renting it. That day the sea went up because we had 3 strong days of East wind that turn on the last day south and that 's why the water went up like that, it 's called a coup de mer or sea surge. The next morning we had to pull off a all line of sunbeds to respect the law loi du littoral If you come now tomorow and very other day you can see that the sea is back at a normal level and we have 3 meters and a half of sand before the sea. I don 't know why you guys from poland are trying to harrass me with that thing maybe because you are wrong and you know, this is childish and ridiculous and always easy with a screen between us two. I Ilinvite you to come and talk to me if you are still around. Please have the decency to erase your message. If you care about nature revolt your self against big industry that destroy this world not me with my restaurant wooden shed who loves this all place since I m born, PP: I 'm only changing the rating from one star to four only because you logically explained it and convinced me, but when I read your other responses to customer reviews that didn 't like something, you are quite arrogant. I recommend being polite to everyone, including Poles, who come to your country and appreciate it for how beautiful it is and also take care of order around and adapt to local customs."