

Route du Pas de l'Ours 41, 3963 Crans-Montana, Switzerland

Käse • Fisch • Kaffee • Fleisch

"Wir haben schon mehrmals versucht, im Juli oder August im Bistro des Ours ein Mittagessen zu reservieren, aber jedes Mal haben wir im Hauptrestaurant geendet, weil das Bistro geschlossen war. So haben wir das dort angebotene 3 Gänge Mittagessen für CHF 40 pro Person nicht miterlebt. Eine Vorspeise, eine Hauptspeise und eine Nachspeise, die wir für ein echtes Schnäppchen hielten, besonders unter dem Aspekt, dass das Hauptrestaurant 17 Punkte Gault Millau und einen Michelin Stern hat. Trotzdem waren wir auch immer wieder zufrieden mit dem 3 gängigen Mittagsmenü im Hauptrestaurant, das für CHF 65. angeboten wird. Diesmal war das Amuse Gueule eine köstliche Kreation von pulpo, gefolgt von einem Fischtatar, zwei saftigen Stücken Perlhuhn und einem Dessert aus Aprikosen Walliser, kombiniert mit einem Sorbet, alles perfekt und schön präsentiert. Außerdem ist der Service sehr freundlich und angenehm und der Blick von der Terrasse in die Walliser Bergwelt ist überwältigend.Unserer Meinung nach ist auch das Mittagsmenü im Hauptrestaurant wirklich in einem ausgezeichneten Preis Leistungsverhältnis, aber wenn es darum geht etwas zu trinken zu bestellen, gibt es eine echte Einlösung: Es stehen nur 0,5 l Flaschen Mineralwasser zur Verfügung und jeder von ihnen kostet CHF 10, was bedeutet, dass ein Liter Mineralwasser zu CHF 20 in Rechnung gestellt wird! In Anbetracht dessen werden die CHF 6 für den Espresso Sie nicht überraschen, und wenn Sie eine Flasche Petite Arvine oder einen anderen Weißwein zu CHF 70 bestellen, wird Ihre Rechnung CHF 130 für das Essen und CHF 102 für eine Flasche Wein anzeigen, ein Liter Mineralwasser und zwei Schlucke Espresso. Es erscheint angemessen, dass das Hotel über diese Preispolitik nachdenkt, aber die Klientel ist sich dessen bewusst."

Restaurant Seefeld

Restaurant Seefeld

Seestrasse 20, 6060 Sarnen, Switzerland

Cafés • Pizza • Fastfood • Europäisch

"I met in the restaurant seefeld with an old well-known for lunch. I had my 2.5-year-old daughter. before: I had actually hoped for more from eating, as the entire bathroom was imprinting me a very modern one. the menus were not too innovatiw. I decided for the midday menu for 20th-chf incl. drink, menusalat and coffee and asks for an additional teller for my daughter, as we usually do that outward, as she may not eat a childmenu far.This was not a problem yet. It is also worth noting that in the restaurant you cannot pay by card, which I do not understand for a modern local that borders on a camping site (or even belongs to it?).The eating tasted average.After eating I went to get the coffee that was still at my disposal, and noticed tasty looking desserts behind the cash. I asked the kassierin if they were to buy or what about it (they were not written and I couldn't quite arrange them) she then said that they were actually part of the menu. I replied kindly, I would have had a menu, and I assumed that one of them was mine. because she made me aware that she had to 'jongl' because of the child because we had shared a menu. the lunch menu was just intended for one person, but it would have been cunning there now. I did not discuss this at this moment and did not want to discuss this ridiculous problem, so I went to drink my coffee and dispensed with the dessert.Just when leaving the local then this incident: a young well-seeing worker came to the cash register to pay his coffee. the kassierin (the same that had served us before) asked him if he had not had a menu. when he agreed, the chaser was short with him and put a menu dessert on him! Unfortunately, at this moment I was so perplexed that I didn't make a scene before location. I was annoyed but green and blue, that I had just taken this incident - 15 minutes after that had happened to me. I like to offer this to him his offer dessert from hearts, but that he was denied me and my daughter from it, only because we had shared a menu, I find quite scandalous! apparently, here goes clearly profit before gas friendship and the thema 'food waste' has not arrived at the sarnersee."



Designer-Outlet-Strasse 1 | Top 6, Parndorf 7111, Austria, Bruck an der Leitha

Fisch • Pasta • Fastfood • Mittelmeer

"We had 4 hours here in Parndoft doing our shopping (please refer to my earlier review on Pandoft outlet here too) and after our "exercises", we decided to take a break and rest. So after walking around, we decided to dropby this place for a quick bite.The outlet was bright and nice and quite comfortable seats.It was around 5.00pm and the place was not crowded with only 2-3 tables occupied. After glancing the menu, we decided to order something simple and light (since we have had quite a heavy lunch earlier on and would be having our dinner in about 2 hours' time), so we ordered a set of Fish and Chips. Could not really remember the exact price we paid, think its around 10 Euro, including a drink of our choice, which we had chosen - Coke.After waiting for a short while, our order was ready and we collected it, made our payment and proceeded to a table and started eating. Well, the fish and fries were crispy and well deep fried. But somehow I found that the fish was very salty inside (after eating the outer crispy layer). Perhaps I am very sensitive to saltiness and so its beyond my level of acceptance. My spouse tasted it and felt that it was also salty.Instead of asking for a new one (perhaps people here prefer and like salty food was what that was mingling in our minds), we decided to add pepper and chili onto it. And yes, it tasted better and less salty for sure as the strong pepper power somehow managed to "overshadow" the saltiness to some extent. That's ok then.As for service, it was fine. Staff manning the counter were generally ok and friendly too, though they needed to smile more instead of putting up a "blank and emotionless" face!Generally, it was a quite a satisfactory experience here!"